Nikah Service

How to Arrange a Nikah Ceremony

Please contact Madrasah Baytul ‘Ilm and acquire a nikah application form in order to arrange the date and time for nikah.

We will require proof of identification. This can be a valid passport, this has to be submitted with the completed nikah application form. We reserve the right to keep a copy for our records. The nikah form must be completed in full and returned at least four days before the day of the nikah.

Conditions of Nikah:

1) Under no circumstances will nikah be performed if any party is under 18 years of age.

2) If any party of the nikah is a widow/widower or divorced, we will require proof in the form of a death certificate or civil divorce certificate (Decree Absolute of Divorce). This needs to be submitted with the nikah application form.

3) A nikah application form needs to be completed in full and signed by both parties providing all the information/documents requested.

4) If one or both parties are non-British passport holders or do not have indefinite leave to remain in the UK, the nikah will only be conducted if a civil marriage certificate is submitted or a letter of appointment for a civil marriage from the registrar’s office is submitted with the nikah application form.

5) If one or both parties have converted to Islam, a letter will be required from the person who conducted their shahadah (acceptance) as confirmation. This needs to be submitted with the nikah application form.

Approval of Application:

1) The nikah committee’s approval is required before any nikah takes place and their decision is final.

2) The nikah committee reserves the right to refuse any nikah to take place if it has reasonable cause to believe that false information and/or false documents have been submitted with the application form.

3) By signing the nikah application form, both parties of the nikah agree to abide by and accept the above mentioned conditions.

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